About the summer camp

You might ask ...

The mission

Emmaüs summer camps are an opportunity for young people of all backgrounds to voluntarily participate during a week or more in the activities of the emmaüs structure and to live a human and enriching experience for a good cause. Fed and accomodated during the lenght of your workcamp, you will share your daily life with the compagnons, volunteers and employees of Emmaüs. You will discover the actions through which Emmaüs helps others to which you will contribute in the context of your volunteering. On the weekends, you can participate in excursions and activities organised by Emmaüs.


Once here

At Emmaüs Scherwiller you will participate at the collection, sorting, recycling and sale of donations at the side of Emmaüss compagnons, other volunteers and employees. Outside of your activities having to do with the Emmaüss missions of reemployment and reintegration, you might participate in collective activities like the meals and joint outings in order to build bonds with the other members of the Emmaüs structure and other young people. On site, you will be fed and accomodated at no cost: You will be accomodated in a tent. During your stay, you will have acces to shared showers and sanitary installations. You will only have to pay for your travel expenses to get to the Emmaüs community. The summer camp are organised to respect the sanitary measures.


Our history !

L’insurrection de la bonté.

In 1949, Henry Groues called "Abbé Pierre", restores a house in which he lived. This house, a place of encounters, becomes an international youth hostel, which he names "Emmaüs".

The Emmaus movement was born out of this initiative with the goal to act in a way that every person, every society and every nation can live, assert themselves and fulfil themselves in exchange and sharing, as well as in equal dignity.

The association Emmaüs is created in 1953 to organise and develop this movement. After the destruction of the second World War, the hardships of the winter of 1954 becomes deadly. In the context of an important housing shortage, the abbé Pierre famously calls out to the french population.

My friends, help !

This triggers the so called insurrection of kindness (insurrection de la Bonté) and strongly influences the public authorities. A huge movement of solidarity is born: the appeal brings in 500 million francs in donations. The following days saw the creation of numerous structures within Emmaus and the gradual emergence of many Emmaüs communities (117 in France). In 1985 the assosiation Emmaüs France is created, which regroups all of the french Emmaüs groups.

abbe pierre

In April 1983, the Strasbourg Emmaüs community sends 1 employee and 3 compagnons to Scherwiller in order to host a workcamp during the summer season. The group moves to the Alumnat Ste-Odile, a former public school owned by the Assumptionist Fathers. The location becomes an annex of the Strasbourg community.

Discover the association Emmaüs France

Staunch defender of a society in which everyone has his place, Emmaüs develops innovative solutions with victims of exclusions, which help them get back in control of their life... Faithfull to the will of the Abbé Pierre, Emmaüs has become a factory of social innovation and solidarity to help the public in precarious situations and a commited movement fighting for a more humane and just society.

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Discover the association Emmaüs Scherwiller

Emmaüs Scherwiller is above all a place of welcoming, life, activity and solidarity, which works without any subsidies and only with the recovery of objects.

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Otherwise, we can make a quick resume :

Each year, youth from the entire world participates in a collective experience of solidarity at the sides of Emmaüs
You have talent, skills, ideas, a network, free time... and you want to use these for concrete actions and a good cause with a commited team?
Come experience the summer camps, everywhere in France we await you at Emmaüs !

A meaningful, intense experience !

In fact, we should have started with that...



If you too are interested in joining the team, sign up !

Friendship is what comes to the heart when doing beatiful and difficult things together.



You might ask...

You have a question ?

We might already have answered in our FAQ: How to sign up? How to get there ? How much does it cost? Are travel expenses included? etc...

Did you know ?

There is no such thing as a stupid question, so if you can't find your answer in the FAQ feel free to contact us directly !


You can participate from the ages of 18 to 118... However, the younger you are, the more in advance you should sign up, as the places are quickly taken! No training or qualifications are required to participate with the exception of your interest for the project, your motivation and good will. Beware ! You might learn plenty of new things during your stay ... volunteering risks to change your life !

You're not french, but you live in France: you’re welcome ! You live abroad : you’re welcome too!

It would be better! However just because you flunked your french classes (or never had any), that is not a reason not to participate in the project: on the contrary! France is the perfect place to learn and improve your french. Further many people travel around the country with no notion of the local language : in any case a big smile and a bit of sign language will usually do the trick. And don't worry, important information will be translated.

To register in a workcamp, you have to fill out a registration form. You will be able to register starting the 1st of July.

Send us a mail at contact@emmaus-summercamp.org

You will be fed and accomodated free of charge. You will only have to take in charge of the following costs: travel expenses, insurance and financial participation for leisure activities.
Get ready

Remember to pass on the coordinates of your workcamp to your relatives and loved ones and to notify them when arriving and during your stay. Also, bring along something from your home to share with the others (a song, a snack...) to contribute to a welcoming atmosphere at the workcamp.

Your registration is free and we take charge of your housing and meal costs. You will only have to take charge of your travel expenses.

French adults (18 years and up) have to bring along their carte vitale or their attestation de CMU. European volunteers coming to a workcamp in France have to bring along their european health insurance card, so they can be taken in charge by the the social security in case of an accident.

Find out about the formalities to be completed before leaving for your work site and obtain the necessary documents: identity card, passport, residence permit, visa depending on the country.


Be sure to check the place and time of the meeting point of your arrival with the responsible of your summer camp. If you need to be picked up at the train station, remember to ask the responsible of your summer camp in advance. Be very careful whilst traveling! We would recommend you always keep an eye on your belongings when entering or leaving a train, in the train and metro stations and in the nearby restaurants and cafés. The travel expenses to get to your summer camp are at your charge.

You will be accomodated in tents on the campsite of the village (Scherwiller). The meals will be the same for everyone and are prepared by Emmaüss cook. We do not offer vegan, halal or kosher meals.

You will work from monday to friday from 9 am to 12 am and 1 pm to 5 pm. You will have free time on saturdays and sundays.

You will participate in the daily activities of the community and integration project with the compagnons, other volunteers and employees.

You can dispose of your free time as you wish. To get around, a bike will be put at your disposal or you can also take the bus. Joint outings can be organised in groups with a vehicle put at your disposal.