Live a meaningful experience!

Together, experience solidarity and a strong community!

Summer camp Emmaüs, What is it ?

A mission in the heart of Emmaüs supportive ecosystem !


A commitment

To feel useful, the volunteers will work hand in hand with the so-called compagnes and compagnons, the employees in integration and the other volunteers...


A discovery

Discover new areas of activity. Each summer, we propose to the youth (18 years or older) from around the world to discover the Emmaüs movement by partaking in its daily life and activities.


New encounters

Encounter a (culturally) diverse range of men and women from all kinds of atypical walks of life. An excellent way to discover an entirely new universe and opening your mind, while at the same time actively participating in helping others!

How does it work ?

How to get there ?

Each summer, Emmaüs groups organise many different workcamps in all of europe. Intended for the youth of 18 years or more, these camps offer a meaningful experience by sharing life in an Emmaüs community for one or more weeks. The camp is a simple exchange: You will be fed, accomodated and will get the chance to experience community life in exchange for daily work.

In Emmaüs Scherwiller located at around 50 km south of Strasbourg in the beautiful region of Alsace. Emmaüs Scherwiller is in a region full of magnificient sites like: the alsacian and european capital (Strasbourg), small, typical alsacian villages (Mittelbergheim, Ribeauvillé, Riquewihr, Kaysersberg), the Mont Sainte-Odile, the alsacian medieval castles (Haut-Koenigsbourg), Colmar, the Vosges (le Grand Ballon), wine route of Alsace, ...

A small campsite at a farm, close to the village center of Scherwiller, less than 5 minutes away by foot from the Emmaüs community. The Campsite includes showers and sanitary installations. A washing machine is provided in the premises of the community. It is strongly discouraged to take along any valuable posessions as we decline any responsibility in case of loss or theft. However, you will have the possibility to lock away your important documents (Passport, etc...) in a secure location during your stay.

The meals will be the same for everyone and are prepared by Emmaüs own cook. We do not offer vegan, halal or kosher meals.

We take in charge your expenses for accomodation and meals. You only have to take in charge your travel expenses.


Commitment, experience and discovery

At the branch Emmaüs Horbourg-Wihr

Emmaüs Horbourg-Wihr is an exiting new adventure! This annex is located around 30 Km away from the facility in Scherwiller close to the city of Colmar, but the activities stay the same: gathering, sorting, repairing, arranging and selling incoming donations and more...

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emmaculture emmaus
At the cultural centre EmmaCulture

You are an artist and would like to share your skills? Spread a little culture by proposing a cultural activity or workshop for the different participants of the community: compagnons, volunteers and employees.

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emmaus scherwiller
At the community of Emmaüs

You will participate in the daily life of the compagnons by taking part in the different activities to gather, sort, restore and sell donations.

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emmaus friperie
At the thrift shop Emmaüs Etikette

You like fashion and working with cloth? You could help with the sorting, recycling and the sale of second hand textiles, at the side of specially trained employees in integration.

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emmaus ethiloc
At the integration project Emmaüs Ethiloc

Our slogan against wasteful overconsumtion: Why buy, when you can also rent ! Whilst working with the employees in integration of Emmaüs Ethiloc, you could help among other things to prepare order, to clean reuseable cups or even come along for a delivery.

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emmaus etikette friperie
At the ecommerce and communication department

Well connected? In this case, we might need you to work on our Instagram account or to help us select products to put in our online shop:

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zone51 selestat

5 Km away from the Emmaüs community in Scherwiller, the association Zone 51 offers many events, concerts and festivals all year long. This summer the festivals Summer Vibration and Rock Your Brain Fest should not be missed!

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decibulles festival

13 Km away from the Emmaüs community in Scherwiller, the festival Decibules is a diverse and intergenerational festival with many iconic french artists.

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visite strasbourg
Visits / Exhibits / Concerts

Discover the many sights and events not to be missed in the vicinity of the Emmaüs community: Castles, the Monkey Mountain, eagle aviary and much more...

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europapark emmaus

40 Km away from the Emmaüs community, the biggest amusement parc of germany with over 100 attractions and shows for all ages. Fun and a good time are guaranteed.

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emmaus scherwiller
Visit of the Emmaüs communities

You will have the chance to visit the other emmaüs communities in Alsace and might this way meet volunteers from other summer camps.

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sortie alsace

You will have the chance to go on many scenic walks in the surroundings of the community, as well as to go to the local swimming pool, cinema, bowling, etc... Everything will be organised once you have arrived here !

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